Jeanne Images

For faster loading, this page is now text-only.  Click on descriptions to see the photos! NOTE: I've reversed colors on this page, making visited links yellow (instead of white), because it looks better to have all this text in white. ^_^

Just for you!  KKJ avatars & buddy icons for AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN messaging, and Live Journal! CLICK HERE to get them!

Images from Japanese animation magazines, including pictures from the series finale. ALSO: Some images of "Full Moon wo Sagashite", also by KKJ artist Arina Tanemura!  
Photos from Movic's KKJ character design book!  Some of these images are cut off at the left, because I couldn't make this book lie totally flat on my scanner. It's a big book, nearly 12" wide by 8½" high. Here are just a few of the images it contains:  
Photos of Jeanne's second-season attack!  
More images from the second season (scroll down for new merchandise photos, as well):  

Images from the second season:


Japanese merchandise, with a few new additions:

Pictures from the 2000 calendar!  

Miscellaneous photos (**indicates Jeanne's new look!)


These are images of Jeanne as Maron, and her friends at school:


These images are from the TV commercial for Asahi's "Jeanne" shoes:


Here it is...the first kiss!


Images from the 2001 Animation Calendar, from Japan, which features several favorite anime characters:


Jeanne's NEW transformation sequence!

Click on this text to see an animated gif
of Jeanne's second transformation!
Photo gallery
TV commercials
Ribon commercials
Sound files
Dress-up clothes
Fan art