Jeanne Images |
For faster loading, this page is now text-only. Click on descriptions to see the photos! NOTE: I've reversed colors on this page, making visited links yellow (instead of white), because it looks better to have all this text in white. ^_^
Just for you! KKJ avatars & buddy icons for AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN messaging, and Live Journal! CLICK HERE to get them!
Images from the second season:
Japanese merchandise, with a few new additions:
Miscellaneous photos (**indicates Jeanne's new look!) These are images of Jeanne as Maron, and her friends at school: These images are from the TV commercial for Asahi's "Jeanne" shoes: Here it is...the first kiss! Images from the 2001 Animation Calendar, from Japan, which features several favorite anime characters: Jeanne's NEW transformation sequence!
Pictures from the 2000 calendar!
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